Autumn Decluttering!


Autumn Cleaning

Autumn is officially here in Chicago. Leaves are falling, temperatures have dropped, and drizzle is now a constant. Spring cleaning is great, but it can be helpful to have a big cleanse biannually! Autumn is the perfect time for that second cleaning. It is about the time that you will start spending more time indoors than outdoors so it is the perfect time to declutter. Where should you start? Some good ideas are your pantry and the medicine cabinet.

Your medicine cabinet is likely to get more full as winter approaches. It is the season for colds and sniffles. Use this time to check the expiration dates of your medicines and discard any of the ones that are past that date. Take stock of what you have and what you may need with winter approaching. This is also a good time to give the shelves of your cabinet a good scrubbing.

With the cold weather approaching, your diet is likely to go through some changes to mimic the seasons. This makes it a good time to check expiration and use by dates and toss (or donate) things that you know you won’t use. It is also a great time to stock up on non-perishable items.

Autumn Decluttering!
Have a nice day!

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